individual mindfulness & self-compassion trainingLike water flowing down a mountainside, our minds can develop regular grooves. This is helpful in navigating the complexities of daily life, but over time we can begin to feel stuck and stale as patterns form. Mindfulness and self-compassion skills are relatively safe and effective to learn. Developing mindfulness and self-compassion skills can support a wide range of therapeutic work including healing from many forms of trauma, healing from attachment wounds, and cultivating the capacity to be more present to love our amazing selves and others in our life.
painting with the inner child art processWithin our complex and delightful human personalities we have an inner child who is tired of all the adulting and would like to show us how to play by simply putting color on a page. We may have been told a lot of things about creativity in our lifetime (I have heard it all, too) and the inner child can show us how to set this chatter aside and simply create for the sake of creating rather than making "good" or "worthy" art, whatever that is. This process is for curious adults who would like some zero-pressure time and no-agenda space to practice making art.
psychedelic preparation and integration sessionsIn traditional cultures all over the world, there was basic knowledge and support in cultivating a deeper relationship to this great mystery we call life. In our modern lives, we often need to seek out intentional and professional relationships to make sense of our experiences and develop relationships with plant and fungi medicines. These sessions are for those wanting to build useful skills to prepare for an altered state of consciousness and develop a relationship to their medicine of choice and for those who would like integration support and tons of compassion after a medicine experience.